Wednesday 7 May 2014

Getting the shower in

I just arrived back from another 2 day trip to the states, my last 3 windows where ready for pickup!  While I was down there I took a second look at doors and ended up picking up this printable fiberglass door with a left inward swing and in the right size.

I've been looking for a one piece 36x36 that was less then 76" tall.  While in home depot I found one in stock!  I ended up going back on the second day and just paid the extra taxes at the boarder.  They gave me a bit of a deal because of the problems with windows.

When I got the shower home it would not fit thru the door and after a looking at every possibility I decided that I would have to make a hole in the roof.  It took about 6 hours to remove one rafter, part of the roof decking, hoist the shower over the wall and then put everything back.

Ta da!

Expenses to date: $17,930

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